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Category Archives: P.P.I.F.

Did Katy Perry Read Alien Tango by Gini Koch?

If you’ve read Alien in the Family, Alien Tango or the genius book that started it all, Touched By an Alien by Gini Koch, you know exactly what I mean.

Listen to the lyrics! Tell me she isn’t singing about Martini! Or Christopher. Yes, many of her lyrics DO point to Elijah from Fierce Dawn (by me), except Elijah is NOT an alien. He’s a seeker. (gorgeous, magnetic, those wings….)

Wait a minute….

You haven’t read any of these? Seriously? Whoa. Okay. When you do, you’ll see what I mean and it will take the song to a whole new level.

Me? I’m savoring Alien the Family today. Taking it slooooow. Which is a challenge because Gini Koch’s books read like summer blockbuster movies. But I know I have a few months to wait for book four, Alien Proliferation, so I’m savoring.

Grab your copy here!

Or, Grab Fierce Dawn here!

Then come back and sing along!!

:}Amber Scott

P.P.I.F.–Alien Tango Love!

I can’t say enough fabulous things about this series. Touched By An Alien was a riot of a romp and I fell hard and fast for Jeff Martini, the only man who can truly keep up with Kitty Katt, heroine extraordinaire.

Ican’t, and yet, I have to try.

Let’s be up front here. I stalk Gini Koch. Not only because of this series (reason enough) but because she is one uber cool and funtastic author. She is all about her Alien Collective. #membershiphasitsprivileges

She shouts us all out! She creates super fun contests! And talking smack is strongly encouraged in them!

When I got my signed copy of Alien Tango, I’ll admit now, I got a few butterflies. What if it isn’t as good as the first? What if I didn’t over the moon love it like the first? Thankfully my niggling doubts evaporated on page one.

Gini’s–Kitty’s–voice is as strong as ever and the fast paced twists and turns made the pages fly by. I LOVED it. And I fell in love with Martini all over again.

Right now Gini is giving some fabulous swag away, including an Advanced Review Copy aka ARC of Alien In The Family, away. But, you have to a member of the cool crowd to enter. So go to Gini’s website now and sign up for her Hook Me Uppers newsletter. Even if you don’t adore her books, she is an author to watch if you want to learn from the best.

What are you waiting for? Go now! I’ll be there all weekend, talking smack and offing a certain older gentleman with a mouth.

:}Amber Scott

Gator Battle, Baby. Yeah!

Gini Koch gave me a “Worth Your Weight in a ‘Gater Battle Award!” AW!

Is this because I ADORE her Alien series, latest release Alien Tango (go by NOW!) or because I stalk her? Regardless, I’ll take it!!!

How sweet! And because of that, I get to nominate 5 bloggers who I think are also worth their weight….

They are:

Why these? Because the recent Blog Tour de Force Get Loaded Tour wouldn’t have been such a success without them!

:}Amber Scott

PS: My Blog Tour de Force Magic Mood kit winner will be announced tomorrow!


10 Things You Didn’t Know…

about Shadow Bound and Shadow Fall author Erin Kellison!

1.       Erin loves Xanadu (wanted to be Kira, actually) and Flash Gordon (so much fun). She knows they are cheesy (cheesy-awesome!), but she saw them as a kid and she still watches with a grin on her face.

2.       Erin’s best story ideas come when she is walking on the treadmill, music blasting in her ears. Her best writing occurs in silence with the occasional munch of snacks, although her favorite vinegar chips have been replaced with the less caloric pop chips. Not as good though.

3.      Erin thinks it’s weird to talk about herself in third person, so I am going to stop. (I think it’s weird whenever anyone speaks in third person.)

4.       I write dark, scary stuff, and I’m afraid of the dark. Actually, give me five minutes and I can be afraid of anything. Once, in a half-sleeping/half-awake delirium, I was afraid of flying dinner plates. I have no idea where this sudden fear came from, except perhaps I hate to do dishes. Oh, and when we moved to Arizona, my sister asked me if I wasn’t afraid of the aliens that land in the desert. I laughed at her—ridiculous!—but that night I swear I was terrified of little gray men. At least the most absurd of these fears is very fleeting. My husband bears them all and has never mocked me. (The dinner plates deserved mocking.)

5.       While I am thrilled by horror movies, I can’t watch them often because of #4. I get preoccupied by the scary, and then can’t sleep. I make exceptions for good ones though. Most recently I saw Monsters and thought it was fantastic.

6.       I used to be pretty serious about ballet, which gave me a lot to draw from for my second book, Shadow Fall. The white ballets are my favorites.

7.       I love thunderstorms.

8.       My dad was in the Army, so I moved a lot as a kid. My brothers and I used to make up stories. Little bro Tom is just wrapping up his indie sci-fi film ( and big brother James is the author of the award-winning urban fantasy podcast Fetidus (

9.       I was assigned to sit next to my husband in tenth grade biology. We’ve been best friends since then, but never dated in high school.

10.   I have a crazy-good sense of smell. It’s mostly a curse.

See? No wonder I adore Erin Kellison so much! Not only do her stories sweep me away, she’s such a fun chick to hang with here, too!

So…what is YOUR favorite sleep-with-the-lights-on scary movie?

Mine? The Ring.

:}Amber Scott
