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Blog Tour de Troops: Free ebooks for you & a troop!!


Welcome to STOP 1 in the Indie Book Collective’s Blog Tour de Troops, (ALL WEEKEND LONG) where authors give back to the men and women who safeguard our freedom. What is being indie if not being free, right?

To celebrate, read, comment and instantly win a FREE ebook–“Play Fling,” then click onward along the daisy chain of over 35 authors each giving an ebook to every commenter. Next stop–Stacy Wallace Benefiel and ANOTHER free ebook!

Oh, and did I mention a troop gets one, too?

Yep, each commenter gets an ebook for them AND one for a troop!
Today, Kelli McCracken joins me and we are talking gratitude and indie and rock n roll…

A: Kelli, what does gratitude mean to you this Memorial Day?

K: Well, Amber, gratitude means many things to me this Memorial Day. I’m grateful that I have met all the wonderful members of the Indie Book Collective. They have made the last six months as an indie author less confusing and frightening; I’m grateful for the support I have received. More importantly, I’m grateful for a country in which I have the freedom to express my creativity. That I have the right to write whatever comes to my mind. That would not be possible without the men and women of the military, who risk their lives everyday to give me these liberties and more. I’m grateful I’m an American.

K: What about you, Amber? What does gratitude mean to you this Memorial Day?

A: It means a lot of the same to me. I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors who struggled and fought to bring a better life to their children. My uncles fought in world wars. My grandparents settled wild lands. I get to live a better life every day thanks to their sacrifices and hard work. As a woman, I get to dress as I please, speak as I please, even write as I please all because I was born American. I sleep safe at night thanks to those braver than me who live by a call to duty.

A: And what does being Indie mean to you, Kelli?

K: Being Indie means the world to me. I see it as a blessing. I have an opportunity to share my stories with people. It means I have a chance to get know my fans on a more personal level. I can get my work to them without the delays of traditional publishing.
I get to meet amazing people on my journey. I’ve developed friendships with other writers who I don’t think I would have met had I stuck with the persuit of traditional publishing.
Being indie also makes me appreciate my freedom. I have no restraints holding me back; no one to tell me I’m not good enough. I have people encouraging me to keep going when I feel like quiting. I can pay it forward to others who share my stuggles and give them the encouragement they need to write another day.
Being indie means being true to my characters; to my story; to my heart.
K: What does being indie mean to you, Amber?

A: It means when, where, and how my stories are shared is up to me. Not subject to someone else’s timeline, or deadline, or opinion on its sales potential. I get to be 100% a part of the sales and fan equation.
It means getting to connect with readers and peers and share all that I’ve learned. It means grabbing a trend by the neck hairs and climbing on for each ride today, not tomorrow.
A: Can you tell us about your coming Indie release, Kelli?
K: Thank you, I’d love to! “What the Heart Wants” is a paranormal romance that takes place in Los Angeles, California. Heaven Lewis is invited to LA by her childhood best friend. Once there,  Heaven learns exactly why her BFF invited her and her life changes in ways she never expected. She meets Mr. Tall, dark, and yummy, Dylan McBride.
Dylan is the mysterious lead singer for the rock band, Sliders. When Dylan sees Heaven for the first time, he is blown away, mainly because he has been dreaming about her for the last six months. He is drawn to her by an unexplainable connection. This connection is so powerful that Dylan can sense Heaven’s emotions. He knows there is a reason why he dreamed of her and why they’re connected, but he doesn’t know how to find the answers. Dylan wants to tell Heaven about their connection, but fears any explanation would sound neurotic. He can’t afford to lose her after months of searching for her.
As Dylan pursues Heaven’s heart, they not only have to fight off insecurities, but nosy paparazzi, jealous friends, meddling family, and a deranged associate. If that isn’t enough, a misunderstanding leads to a horrific event that threatens to tear apart the budding relationship. “What the Heart Wants” is the first book in my Soulmate Series.
K: How about you, Amber? Fierce Dawn was so amazing, I can’t wait to get my hands on your next book. What indie project do you have in the works?
A: Yummy is right! This sounds like a great debut! A romance we can sink our teeth into. What is it about putting a guy in a band that ups his hot quotient SO much? I love the turmoil of fame you referenced and can’t wait to see how these two deal with it.
I’m so glad you enjoyed “Fierce Dawn.”
My next release is “Soul Search.” Set in early 1930’s, Thomas Grayson blames himself for his nephew’s disappearance and will do whatever it takes to find him, including embracing the wolf soul residing inside him. When a witness to his nephew’s disappearance surfaces, Thomas harbors serious doubts which only increase when Leigh Chaney’s secret is exposed. All her life, she has been in contact with the other side and what she learns there will test every belief Cash holds dear.
Then I have three sequels on deck, one of which follows, “Play Fling,” in the Stupid Cupid series. SPEAKING OF, every commenter today scores an ebook of “Play Fling.” I figure our troops could use a good laugh and Millie’s antics are always great for that as she stumbles through her matchmaking life sentence. But don’t believe me, just ask I Smell Sheep! Their review of “Play Fling” is HERE.
Since your book has a rock star hero, and the troops are our heroes, how about if everyone comments what their favorite all American rock song is? (Don’t forget to include your email address!)
A: Mine has GOT to be “American Girl” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers! How about you, Kelli?
K: My favorite all American rock song is “Miss America” by Saving Abel. The song gives me chills every time I hear it.
Okay, readers! All you have to do to get your instant free ebook, “Play Fling,” is comment what your fave all American song is and include your email. You’ll also be entered to win a brand, new KINDLE for you. Plus the Indie Book Collective, our tour host, will give multiple KINDLES to the troops!

About Amber Scott Project

Amber Scott writes romance across time and genre with three things in common: fate, love and complications. You can find her erotica titles at

512 responses »

  1. hi Amber! just stopping by to show my support for the troops who make this world a better and safer place to live in. i have a copy of your book and did a review of it already. have a great weekend! c”,)

  2. Stephanie Overton

    My favorite American song would be the National Anthem. I love to hear is song properly and I love to hear little kids sing it. Of course being a NASCAR fan, I get to hear it just about once a week without fail!

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  3. My favorite song has to be “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen. You can’t get more American than that song, in my humble opinion! Thanks for doing everything in your power to get ebooks to soldiers in need!

    jeffreybeesler at gmail dot com.

  4. My favorite all-American song would have to be “Pink Houses” by John Mellencamp. It talks about the simplicities of what it means to be in a free society and that, even with imperfections, it’s still the best place to be!

    Thanks Amber… and our troops! Off to the next stop! 🙂

    -Jeremy Rodden

  5. Hi Amber, newbie Fierce Dawn fangirl here! (When can I expect Lyric’s story?) What a great idea for a blog tour while supporting our troops. And I’m sold on Kelli’s story:)

  6. Stephanie Pardee

    This is such an amazing idea! Thank you for supporting our troops.

    My favorite song about America would be…well, there’s two. I love when Pollyanna sings: America, The Beautiful. The one that jerks tears from me every time is “Proud To Be An American” by Lee Greenwood. They play his song at the laser light show at Stone Mountain in Georgia and it’s so patriotic.

    I look forward to reading your book! Thanks for the freebie!

    Stephanie Pardee

  7. Well, I don’t really like any America songs. I don’t like barbequed food, either. I know, my husband says I’m communist! 😉

    I already have Play Fling (not yet read!) But, showing support and getting a kindle entry! 🙂

  8. I also love the National Anthem. It gives me goose bumps and of course I am usually teary eyed by the end. I also love “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”.
    I can’t wait to read your book. It makes me proud to see so many people stepping up to support the troops! Thanks!

    • Me, too, Amber (great name)! Wonderful song choice, too! Thank you for commenting. Your ebook shall arrive today. (I hope.) 🙂

      • Haha…I love your name too. By the way, I used to have a book review site but it became a costly headache. Although I no longer have the site I will make sure and post a review on all the networking sites I can (Amazon too). As soon as I get the book I will begin reading it and review it. I will notify you of the review as well. Thanks again.

    • Amber, I know exactly what you mean with the National Anthem. Heck, I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about it, :o) Thanks for stopping by and showing your support!

  9. Thank you so much for the book. I’m looking forward to reading it.
    My favorite American Song is America the Beautiful. 🙂
    time 4 mommy @ gmail dot com

  10. Commenting to support the troops! I have no idea if I’ll like any of the books in this event (except the one that got me on board to begin with), but I figure, someone in our forces might like them, so why not participate anyway, right? =D

  11. Morning Amber! I know it’s early, but I brought your salt rimmed Margarita.
    I would have to say that my favorite song is God Bless the US by Lee Greenwood. It’s such an emotional song and it really makes you appreciate this amazing country that we live in.
    They played this song at a Braves game after Sept 11th and there wasn’t a dry eye in the stadium.

  12. Regina Shiderly

    Hi everyone!

    My husband is a disabled veteran, so of course I am going to support this wonderful endeavor to bring books to troops! Thanks to all the authors who are wonderful enough to do this!

    My favorite American song is Proud to be an American!

    • Regina Shiderly

      Complete duh moment, I have a migraine this morning so please forgive me, Amber, I totally forgot to say Hi to you! And thanks for helping our troops with your delicious novel!

    • Hi Regina! I have a disabled vet husband too. When the IBC mentioned this tour, I had goosebumps! It’s such a great cause. Thanks for stopping by Amber’s blog and showing your support! Tell your husband thank you for his service!

  13. Hmmm, All American Song? I guess that would be Copperhead Road by Steve Erle. And my address is atuinsails at gmail dot com.

  14. Commenting to support our troops!
    My favorite all American song is “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen

  15. Hi! Really love this idea. I tear up whenever I hear the National Anthem. It makes me so proud. Thanks! Wallywestring at gmail dot com

  16. Favorite song? Proud to be an American

  17. Good morning!

    I have to say that my favorite “America” song is also “Pink Houses” by John Mellencamp. Many of his songs are about the American experience–good and bad.

    My father is a veteran and I’m very proud of him (and all the rest of our soldiers; past and present).


  18. Born in the USA! I LOVE being an American and NEVER take the freedom, so many of our soldiers have fought to protect, for granted.

  19. loves to dive

    This is such a great idea. My favorite American song is a little different. I love “Cherokee People” by Paul Revere and the Raiders. You can’t get more American than the cherokee people and the line “so proud to live, so proud to die” really resonates with me.

  20. Great idea, love that it supports the troops! In honor of rock, I’ll say… Foo Fights- My Hero.
    Hope we get a lot of comments here.

    janeencerrito at yahoo dot com

  21. Love the free book giveaway! And as a veteran I thank you for thinking of the military!! and my fave song… rockin in the usa!

  22. Todd Russell

    My favorite American song: Suite Madame Blue by Styx! It’s proudly played for our brave soldiers 🙂

  23. Fav American Song, American Soldier by Toby Keith

  24. Thanks for doing this ladies. Over the last month or so, I’ve been totally inspired by the IBC. I have lots of military friends and family and they were pretty stoked by this idea.
    My favorite all American song is “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen and the National Anthem!

    Thanks Amber…off to finish the tour 🙂

    livedreamwritejc at gmail dot com

  25. Thanks for the free eBook. I also have a specific soldier I’d like you to keep in mind for a free eBook, Private Zacheriah Schaneberger. I don’t have his email yet but I’ve got a call in to get it. He’ll be shipping overseas soon and could use the distraction. He doesn’t have a Kindle, but he has a laptop with the Kindle for PC application so he can read them from there. As for my favorite song, it’s “God Bless the USA”.

  26. Melanie Carpenter

    Brilliant idea!!! Thank you so much for supporting our troops and out reading habits all in one fell swoop!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  27. Carole Wooten

    I would have to say that my favorite All American song is Stars and Strips forever. In high school I was in the band and we played it every year. It was one of my favorite songs to play. Thank you so much…I can not wait to read your book!

    carolewooten at sbcglobal dot net

  28. Tammie Barker

    WOW what a great idea you have going here!
    Have a few fav songs.. GOD BLESS AMERICA, Toby Keith’s AMERICAN SOLDIER, and Lee Greenwood’s PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!
    Thank you again supporting the troops:)

  29. Siobhan Muir

    I think my favorite American song is Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane. It reminds me of the roadtrips I’ve taken across our amazing country and freedom with which we can. I think it helps that they used it in the Pixar movie Cars, too. 🙂


    • Such a cool song. It’s in my hand now, lol. You’re right; it’s great that we have the freedom to drive wherever we want in this great country. Thanks for coming by Amber’s blog and showing your support!

  30. Seriously, I have no idea!
    Ok, at the minute it’s “The Only Time” by NIN (I’m a rock person)
    Can I play just for a troop? I already have your (awesome) book.

  31. My all time fav is America the Beautiful! I think this is such an awesome way to thank the people who volunteer to serve out country! I already have your awesome book, I just wanted to make sure that one for the troops is added to the collection!

    • Karen, how great of you to stop in and comment so a troop can get a copy of Amber’s Play Fling. We appreciate your support! Thank you!

  32. Jennifer McDonald

    Great idea to support our troops. I have the book Play fling on my list of summer reads and What the heart wants sounds like something I would love to read. On holidays that remind us to be thankful for those who have served or are serving our country I always think of my dad who served in the USMC in Vietnam. I am proud of that.

  33. Sweet Home Alabama!

    I’m not American, I’m Canadian. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t support the American Troops and our neighbors next door! All the best to everyone overseas.


    • Great song choice! It makes me proud to see people from other countries showing our troops support. It means a lot to me, so I can only imagine how much it means to the troops. Thanks for stopping by Amber’s blog!

  34. Morning Amber!

    Thank you to our troops! They put their lives on the line every day to try to make the world a better place to live. As an ex-wife of a Marine, I still think back fondly of some of the great men and women I met while living the Marine Corp life.

    Ask Elena if she brought a salt-rimmed margarita for me, too. It’s Friday and I definitely need two!

    Favorite song about America? That’s tough. There are so many. But Proud to Be an American still brings tears to my eyes. The anthem is great, too!

    Thank you to the IBC for bringing great books to the troops!

    Ann Charles

  35. Sounds like a fabulous book!I always love blog tours, as I find authors whom I may have not run into before. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Renee Rearden


    This is such an amazing event. Thank you for participating. I’m excited to read our book, but I’m thrilled a soldier will get a copy as well!

    Okay, my favorite song is American Soldier. Both my father and father-in-law served in the military as American soldiers, so I always think of them when I hear the song.

    • Hi Renee! Beautiful song. Chokes me up. We’re very grateful for your father and father-in-law’s service to this country. Thank you for showing your support!

  37. Renee Rearden

    Oops, forgot my email!


  38. This is a wonderful thing that you all are doing!! So of course I will support anyone supporting our troops! My favorite All American song would have to be Johnny Cash’s Ragged Old Flag!

  39. Hi Amber and HOT Club Members!! 🙂 Just wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU for being an amazing indie author, and thank you for introducing me to such a vibrant, lively group of readers!! Nothing better! These books have reinvigorated me!! 🙂 Much love and many blessings for all future works ahead – I look forward to savoring each and every one! xoxoxo – Cara ❤

  40. The “Star Spangled Banner.” Can’t hear that without getting teary-eyed.

  41. Hi Amber – I love this blog tour and want to thank you for being involved with a salute to our troops – My favorite all American song is God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. Every time I hear it I get emotional shivers. I look forward to reading your book.

  42. Thanks! My favorite All-American song would have to be the Star-Spangled Banner.

  43. Sweet Home, Alabama by Lynnard Skynnard. Alqays makes me think of the 4th of July, and Summer fireworks. Thank all you indies for getting together and gettimg and great reads to our troops. Hugs and Kisses to ya’all!

  44. Hi Amber!

    My favorite American song is ‘American Pie’ by Don McLean!

    nicole (at) nicolesheldrake (dot) com

    Thank you!

  45. What a great thing you’re doing for the troops! I’ve sent many books overseas to women in the forces and I’m so glad to hear about this. My favorite all American song is also God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. I tear up almost every time I hear this.

  46. I enjoyed reading more about your books, Kelli and Amber. I’m at My favorite American song is also God Bless the USA.

  47. Amber thank you so much for participating in this wonderful Tour de Troops – what a wonderful giving and thought provoking fun. We all need to remember to be grateful to the guys and gals keeping us free. I could not remember my favorite rock song for a salute only the tune and so I searched youtube and found two videos that say it all. One is Proud to be an American and the other Coming to America – I put the link for the tour and these videos on my facebook they were so wonderful. I thank you for offering to give me your wonderful book, but I already have it and would request my copy go on the troops – thanks again so much for letting me enjoy this tour with you and for you much appreciated generosity.

  48. Amber, thanks so much for being a part of the Blog Tour de Troops~! Our troops deserve our support for protecting our country and freedom(s). If I’m drawn, please gift my win to a deserving troop! Thanks so much and I will advertise on my blog…

    *Star Spangled Banner*

  49. I love these blog tour de forces, its always neat to meet new authors, and of course this time, there’s a good cause to be supported.

    As for my all time favorite American song, I’d have to go with Sweet Home Alabama. There’s something about it that demands lip syncing into a hairbrush!

  50. Hi Amber!
    It looks like the tour de troops is off to an amazing start. Thanks for all that you do!

    My favorite American song (to steal another commenter’s response) is American Pie.

  51. I love these Blog Tours, and this one is a very nice way to give back to our brave men and women who put themselves on the line for us.

  52. Jenelle Glanz

    What a great idea! I would have to say The National Anthem right now, but I also like alot of the country signer’s patriotic songs.
    Thanks! Jenelle

  53. This is AWESOME!!!! THANK YOU!
    I love Courtesy Of The Red, White, & Blue TOBY KEITH!!! He rocks!!
    Thanks so much!

  54. First stop on my blog tour…My FAVORITE toe-tapping, good-vibes-creating, sing-it-out-loud, all-American rock’n’roll song is Bob Seger’s Old Time Rock N Roll!

    Love love love this idea…as a Marine wife, I appreciate what all of you authors are doing and the uniqueness of the blog tour for troop support this Memorial Day weekend!

    • Hi Jessica! Bob Seger rocks! Love Old Time Rock N Roll 😉 Be sure to tell your Marine husband how much we appreciate his service to our country, and to you for supporting him as well as our other men and women!

    • I truly admire military wives. You have to be as strong and brave as your spouse but at home.
      Awesome song choice! It’s one of those sing out loud numbers that just makes you happy.

  55. Christy Gibbon

    My favorite American song has to be America the Beautiful. I just love the melody and imagery of it.

  56. Amber – What a WONDERFUL thing you are doing for the troops….and what a great way for ME to find new authors! I love indie books!!! My favorite song would be Lee Greenwoods “I’m Proud to be an American” I tear up every time….I’m so sappy!

  57. I love when the play Kate Smith, God Bless America, before a Flyers game 🙂

    Thank you so much for doing this.
    God bless America and the people protecting it!

  58. What a great interview and I love that troops are getting ebooks from this! What an amazing project 🙂 My favorite song, or at least the one that makes me cry EVERY time I hear it is American Soldier by Toby Keith *begins to sniffle* Even tihnking on it chokes me a little LOL


  59. My favorite American song has to be Lee Greenwood’s Proud to be an American it always fills me with a real sense of pride!

  60. Jenelle Glanz

    I already signed up, but was getting so many email comments that I deleted something, but still would like to get the free book and move on to the next link, but I don’t really understand how it’s supposed to work! Can anyone clue me in? Thanks, Jenelle

    • Hi Jenelle, just leave your email address with your comment and Amber will get in touch with you to give you a copy of Play Fling. You don’t have to post a new comment. Just reply to this one 🙂

    • I’ll be emailing you your free download of Play Fling. Just keep clicking along the tour and keep commenting. To avoid getting all the emails just be sure not to subscribe to replies. Each blog should have that option for comments.

  61. I had a hard time choosing a song. Cherokee People gives me shivers and I love American Pie. Rebel Yell by Billy Idol also comes to mind — because the patriots who founded our nation WERE rebels. And as indie writers, we’re rebels. Thanks for organizing this event and being indie.

    • Hi Rachelle! Love all the songs you mentioned. Rebel Yell rocks, and yes, our founders were rebels. I’m grateful they were 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and showing your support for the troops!

  62. My favorite American song is This Land Is Your Land. It’s a song I learned from elementary school, and I think it just shows what America is.

    This is such a good thing you’re doing,and a great article. My uncle served 2 tours in Iraq, and I know how much of a sacrifice they make. ❤

  63. Stacey Wallace Benefiel

    I’m going with “Pink Houses” by the Coug. 🙂 I think several other people have said that one, but I do just really like it.
    Whee! This blog tour is fun. I am stoked about how many books we are going to be able to give to the troops!

  64. I think it’s so awesome that you and the other authors are doing this for our troops! I’ve had family in nearly every war the U.S. has fought in and I know they would have appreciated this if the technology had been around then.

    I have two favorite all-American songs: “America the Beautiful” and “Born in the USA” by Springsteen.


  65. Dixie Chicks’ Travelin’ Soldier gets me every time. Saw them in concert years ago and they were amazing. Thanks so much!


  66. Karen stephens

    Hello. i wanted to express my thanks that you are participating in such a great event that will help the troops. I thank the troops and their families for what they sacrafice everyday for our freedom. Thank you it makes me proud to be American. Speaking of songs. I will have to say that my favorite American song is a country song by Lee Greenwood called Proud to be an American. I love that song. Everytime I hear this song my eyes glisten. Thanks for your support towards the troops! Have a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend!!

  67. Play Fling is an awesome book! Hot nerds? YES!!! More please! Keep on rockin Amber! xoxoxo

  68. Hi Amber,
    Thank you for supporting our military troops!
    I have Play Fling on Kindle already so maybe you can send 2 to the troops.
    gbaugniet at aol dot com

  69. Debbie Talbot

    Thank you soo much for doing this for Our Troops.
    My Favorite song is American soldier by Toby Keith

  70. My favorite All American song is, “She’s in Love with the Boy.” by Tricia Yearwood. I love the sweet story.

  71. I have to say “America The Beautiful” is mine. Aways supporting the troops.

  72. Same here. My favorite song is Proud to be an American. I play that song in my ipod every time! Thanks for the offer.

  73. What a great idea!!!

  74. Well, as a blogger, a Soldier myself, and a proud American, I want to thank YOU all for what you are doing here! This is so awesome of you!

    Please pass on my thanks to the others participating in this with you all. I am truly impressed!

    To play along, I love most of the songs that have been listed here, but I am going to add a relatively new one to the list: Citizen Soldier by Three Doors Down. LOVE that song and I have already seen it being used more and more by groups.

    Again thank you!

    • That means the world to me! I haven’t heard that song. I’ll check it out straight away. Three Doors Down rocks.

    • I love Three Doors Down. They do a lot of songs for the men and women of the military! Brandon, I am honored to have the opportunity to say thank you so much for your service. We appreciate you stopping by.

  75. Hey Amber, stopping by to show support. I already have Play Fling so send my copy as well to a soldier, if I can do that?

  76. I am grateful for the freedom our troops have bought me with their lives. And grateful for so many publishing options in this new world of publishing! And did I mention I’m super grateful for my awesome friends of the Indie Book Collective? Even on sabbatical you are all in my heart 🙂

  77. Hi Amber,

    I’ve already got a copy of your books but commenting to show support!


  78. does American Woman count??? Hehe, I love God Bless the USA song, but the singers name just fled my mind…..that’s gonna bug me….
    Thanks for supporting the troops!
    booksavvybabe AT gmail DOT com

  79. I love Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood. That song makes me cry every time. Thanks for supporting our troops.

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

  80. I would say “Born in the USA”. Loved your book. I already have the ebook of Play Fling, so give mine to another soldier.


  81. This is awesome. Thanks for doing this. My favorite American song would be American Soldier by Toby Keith

  82. What could be more all American than Star Spangled Banner? I’d have to go for that one. I loved Fierce Dawn, so I’m really thrilled to have the opportunity to read another of your books.

    • Absolutely, The Star Spangled Banner all the way! Amber’s books are awesome. I’m sure you will enjoy Play Fling. Thanks for supporting the troops!

  83. What a great giveaway! And I love that you’re giving books to our troops!! My fave American song would probably be Dirty Little Secret (All American Rejects). 🙂

  84. What a great way to give back to our troops!

    Loved reading Play Fling a few months ago… very saucy;) Have a great tour.


  85. I think this is a great idea. My husband and a friend of ours have adopted a troop and we send boxes of goodies once a month. What you are doing is an added bonus and I commend all of you.

    • Hi Babs! I didn’t know you could adopt a troop! I would love to learn more about that and be involved. Thanks for supporting the troops!

  86. Thanks for supporting our troups. My fav is Stars and Stripes! Thanks for the chance at a kindle too! =) Please send the extra one to someone who would be cheered up by it! =)

  87. Love this! My favorite would be Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA. The first time I heard it was when I was driving home the day the shuttle exploded and it’s had a special place in my heart ever since.

    Thank you for participating!

    buriednwords AT gmail DOT com

  88. Bonnie Pietruch

    What a great way to support our troops. My favorite would be our National Anthem,thank you for participating. Look forward to reading your book.


  89. American Pie, by Don McLean. Music is so intertwined with our lives, and the loss of three top liners was an American tragedy. Also, just one of those songs when it’s playing, you can’t help but sing along.

    • I try to sing along with some of these songs and get choked up with pride and gratitude. :o) Good song choice. Thanks for showing your support!

  90. Melissa Sandahl

    I love this Tour!!! This is such a great idea! I grew up a Navy brat, as my dad served for 12 years. So our soldiers and vets hold a special place in my heart!

    There’s so many great songs about America. I have 2 all-time favorites: Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” It’s been a favorite since it came out in the ’80’s. But then I was blown away my Alan Jackson’s “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?” I tear up every time I hear that song (including the other week when Scotty sang it on American Idol – lol)! That day is why are troops are in harms way today. So, God Bless the USA and God Bless our Men & Women in Uniform!!! Come home soon and come home safe!!!!!

  91. My favorite song has to be “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen. Lots of power in those words.

    Blog Tour de Troops great way of sharing with those who serve.


    saragillispie (at) ymail (dot) com

  92. Another wife of a disabled vet here.

    I recall the chills when I heard the song “Where Have all the Flowers Gone.”

    Thanks for sharing your book!

  93. God bless the troops! Keep up the great work–and I hope you’re home with your families again soon.

    Amber and Kelli, I’m about to go indie, too. And I love to include heroes from the military in my stories. In fact, I have two Marines and a Navy corpsman in my upcoming Rescue Me series (to begin publishing by August, I hope). They’re the Masters of the Spurs and Leather club. I figured leathernecks and leather go together nicely. 🙂

    I’ll be releasing the free prequel and book one in the series simultaneously, after editing is finished. The first novel in the series will be NOBODY’S ANGEL.

    I agree that indie’s the way to go these days. Good luck, everyone!

    Kallypso Masters on Facebook and Twitter

  94. Major hugs for such a great cause, may they all stay safe!


  95. Hero of War by Rise Against

    Thanks for supporting our troops! Freedom is not free. Thanks for the free book.

  96. I’m a Sprintsteen gal myself, so it’s Born In The USA for me 🙂

    Thank you so much for participating in this awesome promotion for our troops!

    romanceaholic at gmail dot com

  97. Well, lol mt two all time fav songs are “House of the Rising Sun” and Shinedown’s version of “Simple Man”

    My grandfathers served in WW 2, had an aunt and uncle in the army, and my big sis and her hubby are both currently in Iraq in the Army.

    mamaboo7907 @ gmail . com

  98. Amber, what a terrific thing to do! You’re a rock star!

    There are too many rock songs to count, but I’ll say “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen. Great, great song.

  99. Thanks for doing this for the troops. 1 of my fave American songs is Boston’s More than a feeling.

  100. Although there are some great American songs out there already mentioned, I’m going to have to go with American Woman (Lenny Kravitz’s version!), yeah it’s the rebel in me…LOL Thanks for participating in such a wonderful event and supporting our troops!!!

  101. Hi! Great thing y’all are doing here.

    My favorite American song is probably “Streets of Philadelphia.” So poetic! Bruce is the best!


  102. As an ex-Navy member, a wife of an ex-Navy SEAL and mother of an ex-Army member, this is a wonderful thing to do. I am an indie author but my book is being edited so not done in time to join this blog tour, but I wish much success to everyone.

    • Hi Jacqueline. My books is being edited too. I was thrilled when Amber invited me to join her. Thank you to you and your family for your service. You have our gratitude.

    • I hope you’ll be on this side of the tour next time! Thank you for commenting!

  103. Amanda Chesshir

    I have to say my favorite American song is God Bless the USA!

  104. I think this is the best blog hop I have seen …I would like to thank ALL the men and woman serving, their families, and those that have served in years prior.

    My fav song is “Proud to be an American” It makes me tear up each time..

  105. I have several family members (father, husband, brother, cousins, and uncles) who are either retired or active military. I think this is such an awesome idea! I know that some soldiers have nothing to do but read when they are stationed overseas so I’m sure this will be very much appreciated! I can’t wait to read all of the wonderful books that are being given away and will be happy to review each and every one. Thanks to each of the 35 authors who are contributing books.

    • Hi Rechelle. Please give your family members our thanks for their service! Hope you enjoy reading all the great books on the tour!

  106. joleneallcock

    I would have to go with Springsteen Born In The USA. I grew up to that sock constantly playing and just by me mentioning it, it’s already going in my head 🙂 I think it’s amazing that you guys are donating books, a big Thanks to all the authors. I have family and lots of my in laws are in the military


  107. Michelle Bledsoe

    Hi Amber. I wanted to say thank you for doing this for our troops. I know it will make them feel so loved. I commented on I Smell Sheep’s Blog yesterday for a free ecopy so don’t send me one through here. Hugs&Kisses for doing this.

  108. 🙂 showing my support for our troops.
    Pink Houses by John Mellencamp is a good american song:)

  109. Thank you for participating in this effort. Three generations of my family have been in the military; I appreciate what you are doing for the troops. I’m looking forward to reading your book. A little escape now and then is a good thing! My email is:

  110. paula poindexter

    Bless you for doing this for the troops.
    paulapoindexter @ gmail . com

  111. As a disabled vet, I would like to thank you for helping the men and women serving in the armed forces.
    There are times a good book can come in handy.

    John [@] johnpoindexter [dot] com

  112. Thanks for supporting the troops! I love the National Anthem. All patriotic songs make me cry though lol

    scrugglenamp AT aol DOT com

  113. To be honest I can’t think of an American song that at this moment but I’m stoppping by to show support for our troops! Btw Amber this was an awesome idea! Also wanted to let you know that Im a new fan of yours after reading “Fierce Dawn” loved it. Can’t wait for more. Have a great weekend!

    • Thank you, Michele!!
      I’m so pleased you enjoyed Fierce Dawn. Can’t wait to hear what you think of Millie’s antics in Play Fling!
      Thank you for supporting our troops.

  114. Thank you for supporting the troops! It’s great.

  115. God Bless America is one of my favorites. Thank you for supporting the troups!!!!

  116. I am a military brat and my in-laws are still active in the military. I think this is such a cool idea! A great way to help support our troops!

    My favorite American song is “Swing Life Away” by Rise Against. A small town living song.


  117. I think one of the most important things we can do is thank our troups. I see so many people celebrate Memorial Day and have no clue why! We make sure we explain to out kids the reason and go to something in honor of the troups, both present and past! Thank you for honoring out troups and trying to spread some joy!

  118. I really enjoyed IRISH MOON, as you’ve seen in my review, and have FIERCE DAWN at the ready once I finish reading my fiancee’s book. So am glad to be here to help support the troops by giving them something to ready.

    • Kevin!! Thanks for coming by and commenting. I look forward to what you think of Fierce Dawn. Better yet, of Enchanted Moon, the sequel to Irish Moon! I might even pick your brain for details since you’ve been to the area in person!

      • Certainly would be happy to help where I could. I know more about the Eastern side of Northern Ireland, around the Belfast area. But that’s not far over there. 🙂
        Glad I could support you and the Blog-tour here.

  119. This is such a great thing for you all to be doing for our troops! I loved Irish Moon as well 🙂

  120. Thank you for showing such support for out troops. My cousin is serving in the Navy right now and I know he feels great when he gets unexpected support. We all need to remember what Memorial day stands for…and it’s not picnics LOL

  121. My family has a lot of men and women that have been in the service and are now still in the service. I always love to see others giving thanks to them. They do so much for us that we take for granted. Thanks you on behalf of my family member in the service for caring.

  122. I posted on friday but forgot my email. Here it is, wouldnt want the teoops to miss on out on this¡!

    Melissa Tackett

  123. Thank you so much for supporting our troops! My husband is currently a solider but served in the Marines also! Also, this has opened my eyes to indie writing! I thought indie was a style of writing not just not being tied down with publishers etc! Thank you so much again!

  124. Thanks so much for allowing us the opportunity to participate in this. Please donate my copy to another soldier. God Bless You and God Bless our Troops

  125. Sorry I’m late! My favorite song other than the classics like our national anthem etc. is American Pie by Don Mclain. Thanks for participating in this– it’s very cool!

  126. The tour is good thru Monday? Or just the one day of the original blog post?

  127. I am a vet myself of Desert Storm and i remember Lee Greenwoods song ” God Bless the USA” being played on armed forces radio while there and it always always got me. Still does. If that song doesn’t make you feel patriotic somethings wrong with you.

    Bless the troops and bless all the people doing this to help out to troops

    Lisa B

    Modokker at yahoo dot com

  128. I think that my favorite so is God Bless America.
    Thank you so much for giving our troops something to smile about! I think we need to learn more in school and at home how important it is to thank those that make it possible for us to have the choices that we have.

    • Hi Tammy! God Bless America is a wonderful song! I agree, that more should be taught in the schools. Thank you for supporting the troops with us this weekend!

  129. Just found this ebook tour and I think its wonderful! Our troops need some kind of fun!!

  130. I really like the national anthem. Thank you for the free books but even more thank you for giving to those that give so much up for us often without a thank you. On behalf of my family I would like to send out a heart felt THANK YOU to those that serve and their families!!

  131. Like many others, my favorite patriotic song is Lee Greenwood “God Bless the USA”. My daughter and my niece used to beg for us to play “God Bless the USA” everyday when they were little!

    I have also *loved* “America the Beautiful” since I was a little kid. I used to choose it to sing in music class every time it was my turn, and it is still one of my favorites today!

    • Hi Angi!Those are both excellent song choices! Thanks for helping us support the troops this weekend! We hope you enjoy all the eBooks you receive!

  132. I missed your blog on the first day of the tour. Hope I’m not too late. I’m Canadian but I’ve always liked “Don’t Fence Me In” though it was popular way before my time.


    fdhelp AT gmail DOT com

  133. I rarely liste to any rock, but if I had to choose my favorite patriotic song it would be The Star-Spangled Banner. It was the right choice for our national anthem.

  134. Thank you, and to the rest of the ladies, who put together this event. I hope the soldiers enjoy your book very much. We must always remember the sacrifices for this country by those who still serve and those that were lost in defending our country.

    My favorite song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

  135. God bless America is just one of my favs. I really like them all.
    Thanks for treating our troops to a gift. I am sure they will like it. I get so mad when people talk bad about our military when they don’t agree with war. Do they not understand if was those same people that protect the right for them to even have an opinion. I’d like to send out a huge thank you to all those that keep us safe and protect our freedom both in war times and peace times because it’s hard during both.
    thank you fellow brat Carol. 🙂

  136. God Bless America is my fav song.


  137. As far as rock songs go, I’d say Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen is my favorite.

    God bless our troops and all those who have fought for our country and our freedom!

  138. American Woman as sung by Lenny Kravitz
    Thanks for the Blog Hop.

  139. ashley barry

    Born in the USA by Bruce Springstein
    Thank you for supporting our troops. I look forward to reading your book.

    ashleypbarry at gmail dot com

  140. Amber, glad to see you participating! Kevin has told me great things about IRISH MOON, so I need to make sure to add this to my “to read” list.

    Best all American song for me – Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” I think. One of the first five albums (well, cassette actually – I date myself) I ever bought with my own money, come to think of it.

    • Hi Shannon! I’m a big fan of all of Amber’s work. She rocks! Great song choice, BTW. Thanks for supporting the troops with us this weekend!

  141. ‘Happy to support this unique honoring of US troops. Books are like a balm for the soul and I hope that they bring a soothing respite for our hero warriors.

    My TWO fave rock n’ roll songs: Credence’s “Fortunate Son” and Faith No More’s “Take This Bottle.”

  142. I have to say that I really like Neil Diamond’s song (They’re Coming to) America. It always makes me want to get up and dance.

  143. Thanks for the support to the men and woman that serve.

  144. Proud to be an American is absolutely my favorite song. Hands down. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this blog supporting our troops! I wish you continued success in your writing career and I am anxiously awaiting to read your book! 🙂

    myfairlady718 @ comcast dot net

  145. Supporting the troops.

  146. Stopping by late as usual but happy to help out the troops. My favorite American song…at the moment would be Born this way.

    Such a great program you’re all doing.

  147. Not sure if I was supposed to add an email to my post or not, so here it is,

  148. My fav is Lenny kravitz “American woman.” thank you for this great idea for the troops — I love it!

  149. Hotel California, no doubt about that. Loved it for years.

    Ty for the great giveaway!

  150. I am showing my age, but I love – ‘Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World’ by Neil Young, Credence’s “Fortunate Son” and ‘The Star-Spangled Banner – Jimi Hendrix version’. Sorry, but you asked… I Hope the troops still enjoy these tunes from another war’s generation.

  151. Add my support to those wonderful young (and not so young) men and women! What a great idea!

  152. My fave song still has to be God Bless America. Thanks for the free ebook and for sending to the troops!

  153. This is such a great idea! I think my favorite American song is Born in the USA. But there are so many to pick from!

    mandaj07 at gmail dot com

  154. Thank you so much for offering a free book to our troops and me! My favorite American song would probably be “pink houses” by john cougar melloncamp. Please send free book to anyone on military as i don’t know any active military. (All in reserves not called up at moment) my email is mammysfave at Hotmail dot com
    Thank you!

  155. My favorite patriotic song is God Bless America. I get the chills every time I sing it with a crowd of people.

  156. National Anthem is for sure the number one for me. Make’s me tear up every time I hear it.

    nonieh96 at yahoo dot com

  157. At the moment, all I can think of is “We Will Rock You” by Queen is rather quintessenially American. It is very much about bravado, but there is a lot of truth in how America and Americans have affected the world.

  158. I love that you are supporting the troops and the books sounds wonderful!! I look forward to reading it!

  159. I would love to have a copy of Play Fling – I think that’s the only book of yours I don’t have. And I think it’s awesome that you’re donating to the troops! Semper Fi!

  160. This is a fantastic giveaway, incredibly organized, and a great idea! Thank you. 🙂

  161. “Proud To Be An American” by Lee Greenwood is a great song and very fitting for Memorial day.
    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  162. Thank you for participating in such a great event!

    lucetlady at gmail dot com

  163. Thank you for donating to our troops!

  164. My favorite all American Song is Proud to be an American.

    This is an awesome way to help our troops. My husband is a vet and my father and FIL were vets. Thanks!

    wulfshado (at) gmail (dot) com

  165. My all time favorite song about America is Simon and Garfunkle’s America. A great song about our great country. Thanks to all of our troops for all you do!

  166. Mary Ellen Zeitz

    My husband, eldest son and his wife are all vets. They proudly served…and I’m very proud of them. Thank you for supporting our men & women in service.

  167. Karen in Breezy Point

    Anerican Pie!! AKA The Day the Music Died
    Karen in Breezy Point
    kmartin at uslink dot net

  168. “Born in the USA” thanks to all the armed forces!

  169. I love the song Proud to be an American, I remember me and my sister making up dances to it when we were younger.

  170. Thanks for supporting our troops. I have a son currently serving. My dad, my brother, my neice, two of my nephews all served as well as other extended family. This book sounds fun.
    lisa gk at yahoo dot com

  171. Not sure it’s all-American, but I love “American Woman” by The Guess Who.

    What a great idea for a giveaway! I’m glad people are doing something to help the troops this weekend.

    FatesTwists AT yahoo DOT com

  172. My favorite song would be “My Country, Tis of Thee”.
    Thanks to all the troops!
    lesliebandura at verizon dot come

  173. Okay I am not the brightest candle in the box. My email address should be lesliebandura at verizon dot net
    Thanks again,

  174. This is a great thing to do!

  175. I love Lee Greenwoods “God Bless the USA”

  176. Oh, oh. I love American Woman by The Guess Who! My father served in the military and I ALWAYS get choked up when I hear “Proud To Be An American”.

    nicholechase (dot) author (at) gmail (dot) come

  177. Traci Simmons

    My favorite American Rock Song is R.O.C.K. in the USA by John Mellencamp :0)

  178. I can’t wait to read your book! Thank you for participating in the giveaway, too. My favorite patriotic song is Lee Greenwood’s Proud To Be An American, but I also LOVE hearing the national anthem and standing next to my husband who’s served in the military for almost 20 yrs, been deployed 3 times. Gives me cold chills!
    annamills2001 at yahoo dot com

  179. What a great way to support the troops! My favorite song is God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood.

  180. Janice Anitsakis

    God Bless America and all our troops

  181. This is an awesome cause! Thanks !!

  182. My fave song is born in the USA. Thanks
    Hollybwright at comcast dot net

  183. Thank you for participating in the tour. I am looking forward to reading your book. Thanks to all our service men and women and their families.

  184. Amber, I already have Play Fling, in fact I have 6 of your ebooks, so please send 2 copies to our troops. This is such a great idea.

  185. I come from a large family of service men and women, My grandfather, his 3 sons and 21 of my 27 cousins have all served or are currently serving our great country. Thank you for taking the time to honor all those who have served!

    Fav American Song: Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park

    Marie, email: Snlmangofreak at yahoo dot com

  186. Definitely “God Bless the USA”.
    Thank you to all soldiers at home and abroad!

  187. Thanks what a great way to get ebooks to our military

  188. Amazing Amber – Wow! What a great tribute to the men and women in service.


  189. Just discovered your blog hop! What a wonderful project.
    My fave song about America is Born in the USA.

  190. Kid Rock has a song called Warrior that brings tears to my eyes. Being a Navy brat, prior Army and current Army wife songs about military tug at my heart.

  191. Dang it forgot to add email address. brw08 AT yahoo DOT com

  192. WOW! You guys are great to do such a nice thing for your readers and for the troops too! It is much appreciated!

  193. forgot my favorite song. It is “Proud to Be An American”.

    Thanks again.

  194. This is wonderful, Kelli and Amber your books are both very interesting. Looking forward to reading them

  195. National Anthem sung by kids gets my vote too!
    Please send my copy to a troop.
    Thank you sooo much doing this!

  196. Hi Amber,
    I’m going to have to go with John Mellencamp’s “Pink Houses” as well. I really like the sentiment of it. There are a lot of other good choices on here as well.

  197. It was hard to narrow it down to just one song, but I have to go with “American Girl” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers! It lifts my spirits whenever I hear it.

  198. What an amazing idea. Thank you so much for being able to take part.
    bluejay1944 at

  199. My favorite all American song is the Star Spangled Banner sung by Cynthia Clawson.
    I am a Marine Mom and thank you for supporting our troops.

  200. Hi Amber. What a great project! I’d have to say one of my favorite patriotic/American songs is “American Child” by Phil Vassar. Love it! I am looking forward to reading your book.

  201. Hi Amber, what an awesome idea you have here! My favorite American song is “Proud to be an American”. I have several friends and acquaintances that are serving our country now. Thanks again!

  202. I just found out about this. Hope I’m not too late. What a wonderful way to make life a little bit more enjoyable for our troops. I also love Proud to be an American. But for a non-tear jerker, I love Fifty-Nifty United States. I remember learning it in 4th grade (still know it!) and my son sang it in kindergarten. 🙂

    If its not too late, I’d love a copy of Play Fling. Also really looking forward to What the Heart Wants when it comes out. It looks really good.

    tuffbeinglt at yahoo dot com

  203. Thanks for doing this – what a fantastic idea!!! My favorite song is ‘America the Beautiful’. I remember learning the words in 1st grade and have always loved it. As I have gotten older the meaning has changed for me and it continues to remain my favorite

    • I’ve always loved it, too. It reminds me of my Uncle, who I’m very close with. He’d sing it and tell us stories about our great grandmother coming to Nevada by wagon train.
      Thank you for commenting and supporting the troops!


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